Monday, September 17, 2012

Welcome Aboard: Jordan Small

Jordan was new to the Windells Digger Crew this summer and he couldn't have fit in better.  He rips on a snowboard and on a skateboard and on top of that he's one of the most laid back dudes on the come up.  But don't get the wrong idea, the dude likes to party.  On an in-between for the 4th of July we all cruised up to Bend, OR to celebrate.
Among a list of absurd events, taking the top spot would be when I saw Jordan launching any type of firework he could get his hands on over the fence to a nearby party.  These weren't just fire crackers or roman candles but giant fountain fire works weighing up to a few pounds.  After that I knew he'd fit in just right.  He is another new addition to the Hobo Family so find out some more out about him below:
Jordan must have known what was up for a while
Best damn baby Joe Dirt impersonation I've ever seen!